TRACE-SI support the completion of a holistic non-invasive investigation of a carpark to provide a more detailed report than the traditional targeted approach
Concrete Structure Investigations Ltd (CSI) in New Zealand needed to complete extensive investigations of a multi story carpark to determine the construction details of numerous elements. The engineers needed to know how each element was pieced built and how they tied together. There was a risk that traditional targeted grids would not provide enough information on how the building was built.

Trace provided a detailed scope to undertake a different way or data collection. This involved an holistic method of data collection with custom grids. CSI collected the data on site, inline with the scope, and supplied the data to the TRACE-SI team. Trace undertook a comprehensive analysis of the data to provide a detailed report detailing the construction of the car park including key connection details.
Following TRACE-SI's scope, a greater amount of data was collected on site in a shorter period of time, reducing costs
A more detailed analysis of the structure could be determined providing greater value to the client. Trace provided extensive consultation and data analysis to support the survey client